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Max's Journey



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May 2011



Max’s Journey

Hi, Max and I are new to the Tripawd community.   Max my 8 year old pug was diagnosed with Spindle Cell Sarcoma in his right hind leg just a few weeks ago.   This is where his journey begins.  Max will be going for his amputation surgery tomorrow 5/26/11 and I’m just a nervous wreck.  I know that the decision to remove his leg is the best thing for him, but like anyone else who had to make this decision I’m worried, scared and sad.  I have been reading blogs from other Tripawd parents and it has helped to ease my fears some, but still…he’s my little boy.

I have been trying to “puppy safe” his home and believe that by the time he comes home on Friday or Saturday that he will be in a safe and secure environment.  I have carpeted the steps and I am putting runners every where there is a possibility of him slipping when he’s back up on his feet.

Please keep him in your prayers and thank you for the support you give to us new Tripawd parents!



  1. Comment from admin      Reply
    Time May 25, 2011 at 4:48 pm

    Welcome and best wishes for Max’s complete, speedy recovery. If you have not already, be sure to check out Maggie’s blog to learn about her triumphant Tri-Pug Power cancer journey.

  2. Comment from etgayle      Reply
    Time May 25, 2011 at 5:34 pm

    best wishes for max tomorrow!! we started with identifying gayle’s cancer as spindle cells, finally just called a ‘soft tissue sarcoma, grade three’ – hers was in the right front leg, which was removed 2/17/10. we did opt for five rounds of chemo, and she is still with us, making every day a joyfilled event. paws crossed for successful results for max and a quick recovery. the first two weeks are rough, but you’ll do fine!!

    charon & gayle

    • Comment from knlrizzo      Reply
      Time May 25, 2011 at 6:29 pm

      Charon & Gayle,
      Yes grade 3…is that the only grade for this type of cancer? We will be doing the 5 rounds of chemo as soon as he is well enough for it. I will try to keep my blog current since I did take 2 weeks vacation to get him ans me too I suppose through the rough patches.
      Thanks for the well wishes!
      Lisa & Max

  3. Comment from Kailyn & Ellie      Reply
    Time May 25, 2011 at 5:52 pm

    What a good mommy you are! I bet he will do better than you’d ever think! Just like my girl! You can read my past blog stories, If you start from the beginning, you’ll see how much better it got, and that it does get better! <3

    -Ellie Mae & Mommy.

    • Comment from knlrizzo      Reply
      Time May 25, 2011 at 6:35 pm

      Thank you, I do my very best to keep him as healthy as possible…even if i do spoil him JUST a little.
      I am sure Max is going to do way better than I am with all of this, he’s a tough guy that never whimpers or whines just sucks it up and keeps going.
      I’ll try to keep my blog current through all of this.
      Thank you,
      Lisa & Max

  4. Comment from Dakota Dawg      Reply
    Time May 25, 2011 at 6:21 pm

    Well howdy Max! Another rear tripug–you’re in good company! Dakota had a spindle cell cancer in his front leg. He had surgery Feb. 11th. Dakota turned 9 as he was losing his leg, and I think Maggie the tripug was also older.

    You’ll have lots of folks thinking of you and wishing you well tomorrow. Just keep in mind that when you come home, you may feel pretty doggone good. You should, if the doctor does his/her job and gives you good pain meds. Nobody wants you to hurt. The flipside of that is that you may tank after a few days (or longer) and start to wonder “oh dear, what have I done?” Don’t despair. For every summit there is a valley, and eventually things will find their balance and your new normal.

    Post some pictures, keep the blog updated, and just make your mantra “leg gone, cancer gone” and you’ll have no reason for doubt or regret.

    Shari and Dakota (and Evelyn the monkeydog)

    • Comment from knlrizzo      Reply
      Time May 25, 2011 at 6:44 pm

      Thank you for those very encouraging words. It helps to know that others have been through this and have great advice. I will try to keep my blog current and post pictures as soon as I figure out this whole blog thing. So, how is Dakota doing?
      Lisa & Max

  5. Comment from Ginger      Reply
    Time May 25, 2011 at 8:35 pm

    Both you and Max will be in our thoughts tomorrow. We took time off of work as well, which was the best thing we could have done. We were there for anything and everything Ginger needed. It helped us keep our anxiety at a minimum too!

    It is normal to be scared and worried – trust me, we were a wreck.

    But once we heard Ginger whining and saw her hopping toward us, those worries went away. We were just so thankful and glad she was ok. When you see Max after the surgery, I just know you will feel the same way. Everything will be good again when Max is back at home with you!!

    Ginger and pawrents

    • Comment from knlrizzo      Reply
      Time May 25, 2011 at 8:46 pm

      I can’t wait for him to get back home…uggh so stressful. BUT, I think Dakota’s mom said it the best…
      “leg gone, cancer gone” and that’s what will make it all so much better.
      Thank you for your support and kind words. I will be updating my blog as soon as I know he’s ok!
      Lisa & Max

  6. Comment from CatiesMom      Reply
    Time May 25, 2011 at 11:31 pm

    We too will be thinking of you. The thing that’s tough is that YOU know what’s going down tomorrow and Max doesn’t, so he doesn’t have to fret at all. Your feelings of anxiety are absolutely normal. I could barely breathe from the day before to when our Catie came home.

    Take it from me. Breathing is good and slows all that turmoil down.

    Sounds like you’ve taken some proactive steps in readying the home for his post-surgery recovery. Well done.

    Sending heaps and heaps of healing wishes for your boy – for an uneventful, successful surgery and a smooth recovery!

    Carmen, Catie and Riley

    • Comment from knlrizzo      Reply
      Time May 26, 2011 at 2:07 am

      Thank you so much for all your well wishes. Breathing, yes I must remember to start doing that! I think tomorrow morning is going to be insane for me, but I am going to work after I drop him off so at least that will be a distraction…for a few hours! And I so hope that he can come home on Friday because I will miss him like crazy! I will update my blog as soon as he’s back home and resting comfortably…he hates when I’m on my computer…LOL.
      Thank you again for keeping us in your hearts tomorrow. I’m so glad I found a place with so many wonderful people for support and advice!
      Lisa & Max

  7. Comment from krun15      Reply
    Time May 26, 2011 at 2:53 am

    Welcome Max and pack. I am Spirit Tri-pug Maggie’s mom. Mag was 7.5 years old at the time of her left rear leg amp due to mast cell cancer. Mag did great on 3 legs for almost 4 years. I lost her a year ago to another unrelated cancer.
    Admin guy left a link to her blog above.
    The first couple of weeks after surgery can be rough- Mag had her amp before Tripawds was established so we went it alone. During those first weeks of recovery I sometimes thought I had done the wrong thing. But Mag came around, and as I said- she did great on three.
    If you haven’t already you should check out the forums and maybe post your story there too. Many more people hang out in the forums.
    Good luck tomorrow- I’ll be thinking of you and Max.
    Karen and the pugapalooza

    • Comment from knlrizzo      Reply
      Time May 26, 2011 at 2:26 pm

      Karen, I believe your blog was the first one I read when I found myself on this site and that’s what made me look further into the Tripawd community. Thank you for posting and helping those of us that are just starting our bumpy ride as Tripawds and Tripawd parents. I’m sure I’m going to have a million questions and a million tears but I know I can come out here and everyone will hold my hand and help me out with their advice and heart felt kindness.
      Thank you,

  8. Comment from admin      Reply
    Time May 26, 2011 at 3:38 pm

    as soon as I figure out this whole blog thing

    Check out the Help videos for assistance with various blog functions or post in the tech support forum with any questions.

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