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Max's Journey



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June 2011



Max’s recent visit to the vet

Hi everyone.  Max went for a visit to see the good Dr Johnson yesterday and he got his stitches out…YEAH.  He has some red scabbiness on his “stump”, but she said that will get better over time.  I thought for SURE he was going to realize where he was and run the other way when we got there, but not Max.  He ran right up the ramp and waited for me to open the door for him.  I guess he’s just soooo happy he’s not in pain anymore that he’s not afraid to be there.  He starts his chemo on the 27th and hopefully he’ll do as well with that as he has with everything else so far.  He also got his stroller yesterday and that I’m very excited about.  Put it together, popped him in it and out we went for a stroll.  I think I may need to be careful with that…he could possibly get spoiled!!!  All the attention he got, I’m surprised I could get his head through the door when we got home.  I’m excited to get him to the park this weekend!

Admin Guy…Thanks for the bandanna!

Lisa & Max


  1. Comment from krun15      Reply
    Time June 7, 2011 at 6:20 pm

    Yea for stitches out!
    I hope you saw the pictures of Maggie in her stroller in her blog. Mag did get back to walking a mile on her own again, but it took a long time to work back up to that.
    You have to post pics of Max in his stroller- what kind did you get?

    Karen and the pugapalooza

    • Comment from Max’s Person      Reply
      Time June 15, 2011 at 6:37 pm

      I got him a pet zip. It’s a carrier, stroller, backpack and a car seat. He’s only been able to get out there in it once b/c the weather has been raining on and off. But he seems to enjoy being in it and loves the attention. I will get pics posted very soon!

  2. Comment from Dakota Dawg      Reply
    Time June 7, 2011 at 7:00 pm

    Congratulations to Max and to Lisa for toughing it out. Things should be a lot better in a couple of more weeks. There may be peaks and valleys, but soon it will all be level ground. Then maybe you can trade the stroller for a skateboard…


  3. Comment from admin      Reply
    Time June 7, 2011 at 9:56 pm

    Admin Guy…Thanks for the bandanna!

    Glad you like Max’s Tripawds Rule Bandanna! 🙂 Looking forward to seeing a photo.

  4. Comment from Elisabeth      Reply
    Time June 8, 2011 at 4:21 am

    Hi Lisa! Happy to read about Max’s journey, which I will follow now on your tripawds blog, rather than the KN work thing.
    We had a hilarious moment yesterday when Lucy (aka Lucifer) took on the 80 pound shepherd and chased her out the back door. There’s nothing a 3-legged cat cannot do!!
    Max is a champion and nothing will stop him either!!!! All my best to you all! Elisabeth N-P

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