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June 2011



My little trooper celebrates his 1 month Ampuversary

Hello all. I know it’s been a while since I’ve been online…life seems to have gotten in the way of blogging!

Max is doing well.  I have discovered that I need to push him a little or he’s not going to do too much without a push.  So, no more free rides to the trees or fire hydrants.  He seems to be annoyed by this, and it has made going outside a much longer adventure than normal.  But after much coaxing and standing my ground, he’s coming around.  I am not a huge believer in exercise, but my 3 legger has gotten me jogging just to keep up with him.  LOL.
Max also went for his first round of Chemo today.  I thought I was doing real well with it all until the Dr asked if it would be ok if she gave me a hug…it’s been a downward emotional slide for me ever since this morning.  Ya see, I have cried here and there, but I knew I needed to hold it together for Max and so that’s what I did.  But for some reason, when a virtual stranger saw past the rough exterior and reached out to console me everything from the last 6 weeks came crashing in on me and I have not really been able to get a grip on myself…however, this will come to an end TODAY b/c Max needs me.
So, she peeled Max off my shoulder and off they went to start his treatment.  I didn’t want to let him go b/c for some reason, the chemo is scarier to me than the amputation.  Anyway, 30 minutes later they brought him back to me and he was all wound up and bouncing around like a silly dog.  They told me he vomited during the procedure but that they gave him an anti-nausea shot and a benedryl alternative (he’s allergic to benedryl) and they gave me 2 scripts for him for nausea/appetite and for diarrhea.   I gave him a very little bit of food and he’s been laying knocked out in my lap since.  I hope and pray that he handles the chemo well.

Stay tuned…
Lisa & Max


  1. Comment from mom2gracie      Reply
    Time June 27, 2011 at 6:44 pm

    just read thru your posts. Yep, the tears can just spring forth huh!!

    And amazing similarity w/ the ‘free ride’ to the tree/grassy area!

    thoughts w/ you & Max as he gets thru the chemo

  2. Comment from chilidawg      Reply
    Time June 27, 2011 at 6:44 pm

    hang in there guys! thinking of both of you!

  3. Comment from admin      Reply
    Time June 27, 2011 at 11:26 pm

    Thanks for the update! Please keep us posted on how Max copes with his chemo treatments.

  4. Comment from etgayle      Reply
    Time June 28, 2011 at 12:37 am

    we made it through five rounds of doxorubicin. there were some rough days for sure, but just try to be as brave as max and it will be ok. remember, there will be some rugged days mixed in with the good, but this too will pass. paws crossed for many, many more good days!!

    charon & gayle

  5. Comment from riosmom      Reply
    Time June 28, 2011 at 4:15 am

    Take a deep breath! Now pat yourself on the back!! You made it through your first chemo!

    The preventative meds are important. Don’t skimp on them. I tried to cut them short a day or so, thinking one day isn’t going to make a huge difference. But if Rio doesn’t get the anti-nausea and anti-diarrhea meds, then she’s just not feeling all that perky. Otherwise, she’s sailed through her chemo without much in the way of side effects.

    Rio had only a couple of CBCs where her white blood counts were low, and then the palliative antibiotics took care of the potential for infection.

    We are now looking at our last two treatments and then we are CELEBRATING being done with chemo…!

    Good luck to you… The first 2-3 days post chemo are yukky. Lots of NAPS — that’s our answer… and I’m sure Gayle would agree!

    Rio and Rio’s mom

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